Monday, December 6, 2010

Have you stretched today?

I want to celebrate with you. I just did a BIG stretch--shot my first video--and it felt so good!
Sure, I know the importance of video these days but the vision of one that was uniquely special for me just wasn't popping. It was easy to move it down the list of things to accomplish. So, I kept listening, kept trusting my messages from Spirit and one day last month I received it. So I stretched and went for it! It's in post-production now.

Here's a little nugget to share. Even when I wasn't totally clear about the vision for the video, I was taking steps to get important pieces in place. I chose Lisa Keating of to shoot, edit and create the final product. Lisa and her crew have been incredibly professional and great to work with. I also asked a number of fabulous women entrepreneurs, who have worked with me individually or in my Mastermind groups, to tape testimonials. Lindey Lambert of amusemedia, Stacie Dawes of funkiejunk, Jackie Page of Alter and Claudia Ossa, realfoodies. Claudia drove down from San Francisco just for this! Unbelievable! Karen Snyder of Cosmetically Organized joined us for makeup touch-ups.

For all of you, from my heart to yours, thank you!!!!

So stretch, my dear friends. Listen, trust, then stretch and go for it. It's SO worth it!!

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